Products for Hedgehogs

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  1. Premium Hedgehog Food Biscuits
  2. Organic Pate for Hedgehogs
  3. Hedgehog House XL
  4. Deluxe Hedgehog House XXL
    £116.99 £129.99
  5. Hedgehog bedding 500g
    £4.49 £4.99
  6. Hedgehog Feeding Bowl by Myrte
    £4.49 £4.99
  7. Hedgehog gate
  8. Hedgehog Feeding & Drinking Bowl
  9. Premium Hedgehog Food & Feeder Starter Bundle
    £19.53 £22.98

Hedgehogs in the garden

Hedgehogs are insectivores and their preferred diet includes beetles, slugs, caterpillars and earthworms. Our Hedgehog Food is an excellent substitute should supplies of these insects be insufficient. They can also be tempted by Bowls of meat-based Food. We also have a range of Hedgehog Houses that will keep your garden guests safe and happy through the year.

Hedgehogs are sadly becoming a rare sight in gardens. Recent figures suggest the UK’s rural hedgehog population has declined by up to three quarters over the past 20 years. So, how can we support hedgehogs at home?

Putting out food for hedgehogs can help to supplement natural food supplies, particularly before and after hibernation, as hedgehogs lose up to 40% of their body fat during this time. We offer a pâté exclusively for hedgehogs, containing organic meat, which is easily digestible and akin to their natural diet. 

Creating space for hedgehogs to wander through our gardens freely is very important. Some wildlife-friendly housing developments now include holes in garden fences to allow hedgehogs to roam around. Hedgehogs also need a safe place to nest and hibernate, which is why we developed the Deluxe Hedgehog House! The entrance of this beautiful house has been precisely measured so it is big enough to allow larger and pregnant hedgehogs to safely enter and exit, while preventing any potential predators like cats and foxes from getting in. Complete with a removable pitched roof and built-in ventilation, this hedgehog house will be a welcome addition to your garden.

Hedgehog houses should be placed under some permanent sheltered greenery, wherever possible. April and October are the best months to put out a hedgehog house, either side of their hibernation season.

There is so much we can do to make gardens more hedgehog friendly. Do you have hedgehogs visiting your garden? We’d love to see your photos! Email us via for your chance to be featured in our next magazine.

Prepare for autumn and winter

Autumn is a particularly eventful time for Hedgehogs. Here at CJ Wildlife we are passionate about all garden wildlife – so keeping all visitors well fed and ready for winter is vital. When winter is approaching hedgehogs will be preparing for hibernation. But before this happens, the hedgehog has to build up a lot of fat reserves. You can help the hedgehog prepare by offering them good quality food. At the same time the hedgehog starts to build their winter nest, usually in piles of brushwood, dead wood and leaves. So don't be afraid to keep piles of leaves in your garden, as you will be providing them with a cosy place to live. You can also put out one of our hedgehog houses to provide an extra cosy home for our prickly friends!